# Using the Tool

# Adding Content

When adding content to your message, you have two methods in which to do so. You can either:

  • add content using the provided WYSIWYG editor
  • upload an HTML file with coded content

# Using the file upload method

To upload HTML-based content to use within your message, begin creating a very basic HTML document like so, and save this file anywhere in a local environment (Desktop, Documents, Dropbox, etc):

    <p>Your content goes here</p>
    <!-- continue adding your content -->

Within the <body> tag, add the necessary content and any other inline-CSS styles that you wish. Please keep in mind that any CSS you add will override the template that is selected in the configuration.

Once complete, simply toggle the HTML File toggle, click the Select File button to select the file, and then click the Preview button at the bottom to view your content.

# Using the WYSIWYG editor

If you want to use the Quill-based WYSIWYG editor, simply enter and style the content for your message. As illustrated in the Configuration section, you do have the ability to adjust the buttons that your users have access to.